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Mobile Recording Studio

Moving Bear that Transforms into a Mobile Recording Experience.

Taking brand experiences into townships and rural areas in South Africa is physically challenging due to poor road conditions and restricted pathways.
Edward Snell turned to Rocketfuel to design and create a mobile mechanism to generate attention and bring Russian Bear’s #IAMNEXT talent search recording experience right to doorsteps.
Rocketfuel’s Fast Innovation System integrates technical development early to remove back & forth typical in traditional development. This 6 month project was cut down to a 12 week turnaround, using Fast Innovation system that helps over capacity Marketers with a one total supply solution for innovative solutions, from Cross Industry Thought Starters, Innovation Concept Boards, Fast Design Development and Custom Manufacture.
The moving bear transformer mobile experience highlighted hidden talents in local communities and united Russian Bear drinkers alike.
Results: 58% increase in sales; 15 mil user reach; design to launch in 12 weeks; Loerie Award


Russian Bear


Cross Industry Thought Starters, Concept Boards, Fast Design Development, Manufacture





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