Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is innovation?
Innovation isn't growing meat patties from flies. FAST INNOVATION™ is solving a problem by taking 2 familiar things that already exist and putting them together in a new way.
How is FAST INNOVATION™ different to traditional innovation?
Our FAST INNOVATION™ process includes reverse engineering all solutions from end point. Our Thought Starters and concepts are created with manufacturer limitations, material availabilities, and timelines in sight. To do this Engineering, Technical and Manufacturers are involved from the beginning of the process to minimize the painful hold ups down the line common with traditional innovation.
Can you guarantee results?
We use a robust and proven system to create and launch innovations. Part of our supply includes ‘Proof of Concept’ prototypes to validate your innovation concept works and you are headed in the right direction. We will guide you upfront should your ask be beyond human abilities. To date, we have helped all our clients convert their challenges into viable and implementable solutions.
How do the deliverables look like?
Check out our Services page for a preview of ‘What you get’. To see more, book a call for a fly-through demo of our FAST INNOVATION™ deliverables.
How much participation is needed from me?
I have an unusual product challenge. I don’t see the scope I need in your package selection?
Our package framework has been created to help Marketers & Directors cut through agency to manufacturer back & forth. For projects that require particular outputs, book a call with our team to discuss your challenge and review other supply frameworks alternative that might suit your business better.
I only need one part of FAST INNOVATION™ Is your system flexible?
Our business needs to innovate but our teams don’t have capacity to baby sit more projects.
I need a pipeline of innovations for my business. Does FAST INNOVATION™ include innovation at scale?
FAST INNOVATION™ is a system used to develop unlimited innovations into markets. Deliverable timelines are advised upfront in your debrief session.
We don’t know what our product problem is, only that it is not selling as hoped. How we do we brief you?
Our FAST INNOVATION™ SPRINT helps businesses uncover their blind spots and reveals new market opportunities. This sets up a robust foundation to create innovative solutions to your challenge.
We have a concept but need help developing it. Can we plug FAST INNOVATION™ into our business at this stage of our project?
Our FAST INNOVATION™ system framework has been built with Lego type architecture to suit the ever-changing world and wide range of clients from Start Ups, SMEs and Corporates. Your business might only need parts of deliverables for now. Book a call with our team to discuss the parts your business needs.
We have an existing product in need of an upgrade. Can you help?
FAST INNOVATION™ increases the functionality, performance and aesthetics of existing or older products. Our Innovation Calculator provides results metrics from Prototype test cycles with users to validate the accuracy of your upgraded product.